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All Sight

Caution work In progress

Inside Out
    One if not the only confusions  in the universe and understanding so many interpretations of it is that we are made of submersion in a state of displacement with all points of orientation transmitted and composed of the same complexity this is not a disparaging comment it is to help you gain the prospective to really begin to look at things from a cross-section view or more so as a transparency.                 ©™

Well oddly enough for me to explain this to you I need you to close your eyes. Ok read this first then lay back or as I often do --lay down.  What I'm going to try to explain to you is not what you look at but what sight itself is composed of. As well how that is the same from, and for every part of the universe. The importance of this and the relevance is for you to decide all though I am going to speculate on some things but feel free to not consider them, they are only premises.
     The point I want you to imagine is not the surface but just behind it and beyond .now focusing your thoughts there do not try to see that point because it’s not relevant yet. What is relevant is that from that point we can work back through how sight exists and in this you will see yourself seeing which is not an out of body experience but it will likely provide prospective that will give rise to new possibilities.
      Sadly there are devastations as well and you should not endeavor to do this if you are easily disheartened, for myself I have a photographic memory not with the written word but in imagery, I have difficulty forgetting or more so in not seeing something once I have seen it. One of the consequences of having not seen this is that those who do not are confined to the inside of sight as it forms observation surfaces. Their actions are controlled by it which we can all recant sum devastations for me it’s often times the death of all beings confined to this failing and the desperate attempts to try and scratch their way out or to destroy their minds through false rational. An example of this is justifying war or imagining that you are a victor in it when you are both victims drawn in beyond your control to a mutually diminishing event.
     I have all throughout my work described surfaces and how they are composed from spherical inside and out to distant forms as well as how any portion of the universe appears or as I wrought the work relates to any other portion and how if you change position in relation to any of these points that the entirety of both the perceived forces and compositions can and do occur at the same moment.

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