Orbital Rotational Plains Of Observations
I am concerned that the magnitude of the Orbital Rotational Plains Of Observations will go unrealized this work is to be viewed as on to its own and is as importuned separately as gravity, or other body’s of work. The forms and functions of this relation form not only the ability to observe the portion of the universe that we see but translate through to the surfaces of our world and our selves. This is a key to expand the understanding of this function to prevent cataclysms in the development of adaptation to the expanded full body of work. It will prove to be a key to preventing mistakes and convenient obscured failings in all levels of applications cellular, genetic, travel, energy production, environmental stability and will help in limiting the induction of our efforts through to neighboring bodies like other worlds.
Note: I believe that its full form provides the surface barrier through to other equivalent portions of the universe. This is not to be confused with the obvious relations that it provides across the observable Universe as that function can be transposed along any point of the full Spiral Spherical Galaxy. This is to say that multiple relations of the Orbital Rotational Plains Of Observations exists for portions of the full Dynamic Wave of Energy as a Galaxy takes on the full flight paths of a DWE. So this would mean that the observation of our spiral armed galaxy is repeated many times thought the galaxy and all of them are confined to their equivalent Orbital Rotational Plains Of Observations nether being aware of the other. This function helps form the surfaces of matter on that plane of observation and is formed in relation to the Energy to Area Constant. It may prove that moving through these barriers might induce or case harmful effects from one plane to the other if it is not done with cautious respect. This relationship of the Orbital Rotational Plains Of Observations may be the means in which an energized state is present but only transmits across and between matter surfaces this is not to be confused with the pre-body of the universe but may be an event horizon that expands the Electromagnetic Spectrum Through productions of energy on a Orbital Rotational Plains Of Observations Surfaces as the same function as formation of Matter Surfaces. The relationship across Dark plasma the Energy to Area Constant certainly equates to the formation of adoption of spin as Displacement of the Pre Universe is converted to Expressions of EMS
Flawed Work right base premise connective points are likely bad explanation
Trying to note the separate effect that plays through as a barrier occurs as
This may seem out of context but bear with me because this is the most important likely hood to the Orbital Rotational Plains of Observations that as it relates to earth and life on it, that this would be the coalescence separation point. This is to say that the separations of objects could be related to the separation of the pre universe and the separation of dark EMS Plasma to converted Internal EMS. Also there is a point of interaction that facilitates the effect of the E to A constant as it converts displacement of the Pre Universe to Surface Mater Formations and provides the surface that is linked in this formation likens to Internal backside snowflake (The surface that genetics form on) and how it is the same or same through likeness that is the surface that all large body’s form on E.g. galaxies
What If Note: The 4 foundational forces are represented in the separations of prismatic light and are looked at like the spectrum this would imply new forces possible same base but expanded interactions and functions. A gravity that only has effect on mass coalesced on to one plain or other a magnetism that only has effect on and so on and so on I believe the functions and separations of the Orbital Plains Of Observations begins to forge this rationale. As well as separations in coalescing bodies small and large
Working Note: It is likely that the observation of some of the constellations could combine through a better understanding to form single observations of planetary bodes and could be included in the orbits around our offset core solar system. The ability for the points to appear as many and not as one can be accounted for thro sympathetic spectrum or quantum relations along the Rotational Orbital Plains of Observations.
Big Bang: The failing of light based linear observations of the universe in the absence of principals like the Orbital Rotational Plains of Observations as well as the point occurrence of the production of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and fixtures like the Energy to Area Constant have mistakenly led observers, theoreticians and quantifiers to the conclusion of the big bang theory. The point of origin that is currently touted as the point of origin for the universe is shamefully related to the observers in ability have previously compensated for the limitations placed on liner light based observations. The specific view that I am trying to convey is how through sympathetic resonance and work in quantum mechanics the surfaces that confine the expressions of the production of the electromagnetic spectrum also conceal the creation of mass as it displaces away from these surfaces by its nature. So the production of expressions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum fills the space between matter surfaces and is only viewed when intersecting portions facilitate the need to conform to the Energy to Area Constant through change of state or position through displacement.
Working Note: It is likely that the observation of some of the constellations could combine through a better understanding to form single observations of planetary bodes and could be included in the orbits around our offset core solar system. The ability for the points to appear as many and not as one can be accounted for thro sympathetic spectrum or quantum relations along the Rotational Orbital Plains of Observations.
Big Bang: The failing of light based linear observations of the universe in the absence of principals like the Orbital Rotational Plains of Observations as well as the point occurrence of the production of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and fixtures like the Energy to Area Constant have mistakenly led observers, theoreticians and quantifiers to the conclusion of the big bang theory. The point of origin that is currently touted as the point of origin for the universe is shamefully related to the observers in ability have previously compensated for the limitations placed on liner light based observations. The specific view that I am trying to convey is how through sympathetic resonance and work in quantum mechanics the surfaces that confine the expressions of the production of the electromagnetic spectrum also conceal the creation of mass as it displaces away from these surfaces by its nature. So the production of expressions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum fills the space between matter surfaces and is only viewed when intersecting portions facilitate the need to conform to the Energy to Area Constant through change of state or position through displacement.
Much Importance:
If you view a wave sign and imagine that the first half circle is the expressions of the EMS and the second down curve is the displacement effect like gravity and binding forces as the sine wave moves forward it combines the two forces and creates Coalescence and the ability to observe the combined events. The event accounts for the Doppler Effect in multiple dimension and the separations of the spectrum. As the portions, separate through formation and combine thro coalescence.

This would also debunk the notion of the earth having an iron core as this wave form clearly describes how the observation and the formation of combined events occur.
In fact it may suggest that the outward observation of magnetism is only a portion of the whole wave form and that along the wave the forces change allowing predominance of one form or the other depending on potion to the event in relation to the E2A and to the observers Orbital rotational plain of Observation
In the ability to see there is a internal net surface formed, this is the separation point that is support of itself and coping with its environment through absorption to facilitate support of itself in relation to the E To A Constant Witch in trying to maintain the ability to continue to see is difficult this means it can’t just change state but has to shed the educed energy to maintain position and relevance. Might be good to figure out how it does this or if it riley dose.
This point occurs in all things but in wounds and the destruction of optics it could be undone now through the out lined work in formation of coalescence points matter surfaces and the means to view mass creation as a cross section. This is the separation of dealing with cellular or genetic medicine to recognizing the underling supporting form those cells and genetics try to preserve and are expressions of doing so.
Working Note: It is likely that the observation of some of the constellations could combine through a better understanding to form single observations of planetary bodes and could be included in the orbits around our offset core solar system. The ability for the points to appear as many and not as one can be accounted for thro sympathetic spectrum or quantum relations along the Rotational Orbital Plains of Observations.
People have for some time sought to reconcile their inner awareness of, there is more to life. They have tried religions and the distortion of the dead’s words; I don’t know that this is that and hope it will never be. I do know that this is the rest of the entirety of the universe and long strides into what it can become and what exists not of it and beyond.
Knowledge is, understanding something.
Teaching is trying to have knowledge mean something.
The problem is it’s often not what the something was.
If you take your time and look for it The balance that overcomes the non-coconscious devastation to the precursors of the origin life Universe Coconsciousness are hear in impart and implication if you are willing and intuitive as well as capable of calculating out what you think you know you will see it like a magic eye pictures. If you do and are alone I apologize, I tried as best I could. My advice to you is take care of yourself, the devastations of life seam so much worse in the presence of that contrast do not let it destroy you emotionally you cannot help your loved ones or yourself if you do and that contrast leads you to believe that all is lost if that were true you would not be able to see it. Bring home what you can but try not to let it be converted to the failings as it will be for-not and it will make it harder for others to finally come to terms with what it was you see. Do not allow yourself to be consumed by fairy tales, mythical beings and storyteller's swords. The partial half conceptions of others will bring you to your knees if you’re not careful, you can’t help from there. Finally no matter how bad it seems the universe will and has always faced overwhelming challenges it is the nature of its being don’t take shit from it or yourself move forward.
It is clear to me now that the early form of the universe, not the one that we observe but the one that had not yet fallen through itself likely consisted of a substance that we will have to reconstruct and the environment that precipitated the means for it to do so. In my youth I formed solid models of not what existed outside the universe but what could be supported outside of it on its own terms so as to provide prospective to help facilitate that Monasha-all. This notion seems unlikely, as the outside of the universe is ever-present and not made from the Energy to Area Constant as that is an expression of it at least. Now that I close in on the true nature of pre energized bodies and the conversion of pre energy as the separation of displacement and matter formations and the entire Electromagnetic Spectrum I am left wondering whether to go forwarder on a mechanical substance or define the true nature of the substance that eludes the universe. Given its conduct I give pause and receive no reassurance. I do take solace in those that overcome a thing are the better for having done so.
I view the notion of the Pre-Universe falling through itself like it received a bump from the outside and the effects of that bump cased the ability to be self aware this by no means constitutes possessing or coming to terms with consciousness nether dose it imply a means to sustain it as a viable form or expression of the Pre-Universe state or a means in its diminishing origin as a resolution to the difficulties faced by the universe. As the difficulties are far more interesting and comprehensive than mere energy storage devices or for that matter energy itself. The notions of forms not energy and not pre-universe being driven through itself intrigue me and spark my enthusiasms. The ability to actually communicate or debate form and function with other independent successful pre-universe states that have overcome these difficulties would have to be more challenging than the drone of politicians and priests and scavengereal economists. It has been some time sense the notion of creating worlds or galaxies fleetingly held my curiosity it was always more the means to support them, in more enduring and honest fashions that exhilarated me. The ability to conceive of something or design something as comprehensive as gravity to do so was ware I dwelt most. It always seemed more honest to me to embrace the nature of the prospective of sustainable life and environment while diminishing the devastations endured and accumulated to ensure this.
I address no work that includes a big bang theory as I view it as being either a resonating response to the James bay event in its subconscious levels and as it is sought out the failings in reinforcing such a notion are accounted for in Orbital Rotation Planes of Observation and how observations of galaxies and the perceived surfaces of the universe are reinforced to thoughts, plains and observers within them. There is no portion of the world based applications that I have proposed that include the productions of undesired or harmful radiations or the obscured devastations of displacement.
You know in a sad and pathetic way it seam fitting that I am relegated to do work on the portions of the work that are in the absence of the universe in and of the states I have out lined it’s only fitting seeing I rely have no one in my life currently to discuss the work within a meaningful fashion. I have long since given up on having conversations with friends or family and receiving the "do you have Down’s Syndrome?" looks. I have long over come to the point of its acknowledgment the realities that I had little or no success in overcoming my must be able to communicate fluently in righting disability, that left me to sit in isolation for 14 years in the education system. There was good and bad in what fallowed I met and worked with a great deal of wonderful people that took great care in helping me to understand and do well the work that I had applied for. Sadly many times for small money that left little or no disposable income for investments of venture start ups. Most of the years fallowing I was just left desperate and feeling subserviently grateful for doing anything that my superiors requested of me. I suppose it was this disability and disconnect of communication and interests that ultimately lead to casting off, self respect or the ability to preserve any in the work that I do to crawl through life. I would say the only real indelible mark or harm that endures today is the obvious. That I have earned no formal education leaving me excluded from participation in my great love. The relationship I had with my parents I think suffered to its demise with our mutual frustrations as I struggled and fail until I finally gave up in grade 3. It could be said that the first marriage I was in suffered because of my interest in the work but I am not as naive as to imagine that a marriage of wield youth doesn’t have its destructive forces. I think in my second failed marriage I ran right into a 26 year life crises as I formed the courage to begin to right and having conceived of the work that it subsequently took several years to convey to you left such a canyon between myself and the kindness of my then wife that it could not be bridged. The failing of my second marriage I took not to hart but personally, to my ability to ever being capable of maintaining an enduring relationship they are very time consuming after all. I clearly remember looking at the collective event at the time and telling myself: "the thing you need is financial independence.”This would afford myself and my son a home to take comfort in and to know was ours and would not be destroyed by more failed relationships this would allow me the capacity to pursue development of the work. Well that never came to pass but through its absence I did meat a kind and enduring individual that for me was a relationship based in friendship and a strong link to the value of companionship. Truth be-told I think that the pursuit of my own independence coupled with women trying to redefine their perceptions of their own independence has left me wanton of the retreat of home on my errand independent terms. Viva LA ECONOMY of the individual!
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