Unification: The Dynamic Wave of Energy in Motion
A unified field theory or Grand Unification Theory promises a mechanism for accommodating the observations of all branches of science within the framework of one theoretical system.
By examining the concept of a base structure (which accounts for the atomic through large body observations, as well as answering the conflicts in our existing theories) there will be created a window that would provide a 92% greater view of all events as they relate to form the observable realities. This system unifies the four foundational forces and the prominent theories, and places them in a structure that is formed by perpetual motion that is confined and subject to the eternal laws of energy conservation. The Dynamic Wave of ENERGY provides such a mechanism.
As the velocity of an energy expression approaches confinable limits (conventional light speed) within the system, a specific rotational motion is induced based upon spectral twist to compensate for dissipation. This is to say the linear area is internalized to equate to the same amount of motion while exerting the least amount of work to achieve twining or the spectral twist convert to the dynamic wave and the twining becomes on-line rotations. That should prove to be measurable in relation to the amount of gravity and or atomic forces in the system. This process is dubbed Regionalized Coalescence, effectively an energy conservation system, which produces all observable phenomena (including fusion). Because of this conservatory effect, energy is wound, collected, coalesced into mass --providing in effect, a coping mechanism for perpetual motion which we observe as the dynamic expanding universe.
This new means of assigning light a value for speed is now providing for the motions it adapts as a structure. The first of these is the base spectral twist. The premise if the total system were true is that the planets and Suns and solar systems are in the place that they are by design of the construct (and should prove calculable). If the spectral twist value for light is right, than the moon should be about where it is. That is as a mean distance 389,000 km or 89,000 km more than 300,000 km the current value for light (It is about the amount that the spectral twist would account for) as a mean and thus links the moon, D.W.E. and the earth as intricately connected. This premise is to me more acceptable than the thought that the moon just happens to be the right size and distance for our solar eclipses. As well it is a function of the constraint.
Structure of the Universe
Functions and Interactions:
The failure to discover or define a fixed position within the universe led to the development of the theory of relativity.
The difference between Einstein’s interpretation of relativity, and observations based on the discovery of a means to calculate a fixed position, is that the Dynamic Wave of Energy is not limited by a (flawed) linear observation of light.
If Einstein had applied his thought process to the larger anomalies, as he must have in his youth, he may have been more successful in his search for the truth. As well, the argument of the unification of only two main theories drew him away from the real goal. The D.W.E. unifies the prominent theories and the foundational forces (i.e. found the fixed place in the universe). Provided a bearing for true direction and speed, Provided the true atomic structure. Unified the atomic through the large universal bodies. Redefined the foundational forces by placing them within the structure and demonstrates how they are the same. Found two new light speeds and re-examined the first. As well as presents the premise of Vadin the rate at which the universe reproduces itself. Discovered the nature of fusion (hot and cold), laid down groundwork for superconductivity. Demonstrated a framework for the concept that different masses fall at different speeds through the area to true motion relation, improved the view on fluid dynamics, and has laid down a premise for future work in optics, with light as an observable energy. There is also strong evidence to support multiple motions at some new value of light speed that form the ability to observe and to have not observed. As well as a postulation for a new approach to math that will be needed and is supportable but unfortunately not a strength I possess at this time.
In our observations of light there is a thought process that tells us that the interaction we capture or receive is the reality or Relativity. There have been some steps taken in the process of expanded observations as in quarks, these observations were gathered through the disturbances that they caused, not by direct observation. The fact that a beam of light from a distant light source observed on a lake follows the observer as she moves provides the context to the premise that there need be interaction for observation. At the same time we know that the light energy is beside us but not observable until we place an object (i.e. a mirror) in its path. We can now observe both lines or intersects. The dynamics of energy as a base law or a foundation for a state of existence provides a backbone for the observable state of the Universe, small and large, that we interact with while providing bearings and context to the invisible portions.
Aristotle thought that heavy objects fall faster than lighter ones. Galileo predicted that they fall at the same rate in a vacuum. The premise of area being traversed in a linear and non-linear motion has not been explored. This is to say that different masses will accelerate and fall at the same rate as an outside observation. But a mass in free fall will adopt rotations, often-compound rotations. This is a function of existence and will occur internally and externally. The difference from true motion in a linear context will equate to the answer to this anomaly. This premise seems insupportable until we apply the weak and the strong atomic forces as products of paths of motion. These internal motions provide an absorption function for induced energy. This would concur with the observation of a particle gaining mass in a particle accelerator as it approaches 89 % of the light speed. The forward motion is being absorbed into a regional motion, thus the motion is converted to mass. At the point mass displaces and the production of the EMS occurs.
When two free-falling objects are observed from a removed vantage point, they appear to fall and accelerate at the same rate. If the rotations and other motions are included in the distance they fall there will be a larger outlook to the true total distance traveled (net amount of motion) and the differences between the masses and the distance they fall will be revealed.
This greater distance traveled by falling bodies that is being absorbed into regional motion has in my mind, a direct link to the Energy to Area Constant. As well, I believe there is some work in the potential fifth force that indicates a direct link to atomic weight and differences in their flight in free fall. This article was in the National Geographic I believe, in 1989.
Not unlike a Frisbee or baseball, greater forward velocity is supported through rotational motions. This both provides stability in a projected path and in its ability to maintain its structural dimensions. This premise applied to masses at light speeds will allow for the structural integrity to be maintained beyond the light barrier, if the mass as a structure and path of motion utilize the full Dynamic Wave of Energy as forces that can be manipulated for drive systems.
Gravity and Mass:
The energy permeating in the fashion of the Dynamic Wave of Energy provides the ability for mass to have position (i.e. if you were in space you could push on the space shuttle but you would move away instead of the shuttle). This function is also demonstrated in that a partial example of the D.W.E. called the gyroscope. The force that has to be overcome in the gyroscope is only a small example of the full-blown dynamic wave. The full version of what the Dynamic Wave of Energy produces is a force that permeates the entirety of all things because all things are made from compound motion that is in the formation of the Dynamic Wave. It is the very motion that provides the interaction with the linear or forward motion of the universe that translates to the Four Foundational Forces as well as providing Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal stability.
The premise is that the greater amount of regionalized motion provides a greater grip in space. Einstein mentioned that he felt that the attractive observation of Gravity in space was due to masses displacing space. In the DWE it is the amount of regionalized motion in the base form of the Dynamic Wave of Energy that provides the observation of displacement as well as the observation of attraction of gravity while providing the answer to the law which states : the greater the mass the greater the attraction. There is within the Dynamic Wave of Energy, as a multiple motion system, the function of coping and discounting for the complete effect of a masses pull being exerted on near objects. This is in regions that are supported within others and is demonstrated well in the observation of Super clusters and String theories. This Dynamic Wave of Energy construct provides near perfect symmetry between the recognized forces and their observed effects while vindicating other historically previous work as valid observations.
In the process of motion there is a charge that builds up on the exterior and is the reason for back pressure or the internal rotations and twining. This function in atmosphere is also the reason for drag and shear on an airframe and the processes of changes of state are more energy consuming.
of it has caused both the production of an energized body and the expressions of pure energy that are converted to the EMS thru the displacement and creation of matter this would suggest that either the complete displacement of mater as it is converted to this pre state is the pursuit of returning to a state of rest or that the expressions of the Electromagnetic Field are Waste products of a far greater effort and that matter production and its displacement through the energized body are discarded to pure density. The ability to begin to unravel this dilemma might be answered somewhat if the prism and the energy source that I used to Displacement:
Pure Density: Is the universe inability to interact with what is not the universe.
Offset Multiple Cores: {Atomic Core}
It is implied that the physical formation of offset cores is out lined in net fields and there other attributes as the document describes the formation of the Atomic fractal.
Offset Multiple Cores as this relates to, the primordial structure of the universe and to the atomic structure. It also implies a relationship for multiple primordial universes based on seemingly unlimited offset-centers, giving rise to versions of primordial constructs or versions of the Dynamic Wave of Energy. The D.W.E. as written is based on a spectral separation or the prismatic separation of visible light. There is no cognitive reasoning to suggest that pre-primordial origins dictate that this be true of all primordial constructs. This conclusion gives rise to the premise and search for primordial constructs baste in other configurations than offset-centers, which would lead to conflict resolution on the primordial and universal level. In doing so should translate through to the collective and independent manifestations of pre-primordial and primordial existents.
Barrier Wall: The barrier wall and its effects on The Grand Principal of Displacements are likely the cause of the Dynamic Wave of Energy and induction of its effects are likely the Energy to Area Constant.The barrier wall is the separation of the universe and what is not the universe as well as an induction event horizon as the interpretation of this boundary are induced to the universe thru pure energy production. The barrio wall is ever present as are the failing in not addressing its nature.
The interpreted barrier wall as it translates to the Universe occurs at the event horizon where the Universe is devoid of interactions this causes it to fall through itself. This process is the creation of pure energy the atomic fractal {Dynamic Wave of Energy} is educed as a means to conform to this new environment.
So the atomic fractal is more a production and expressions of the failings and or limits of the universe. Not to worry though adapting the Grand Principle of Displacement and the approach laid out in Net fields the atomic fractal {DYNAMIC WAVE OF ENERGY} can be removed from the Grand Principle of Displacement this would produce a state of pre failing in the universe and at the new effort event horizon the application of divers Fractal theory can be applied giving the universe hand holds that extend beyond the barrier wall.
Gravity; The formation of regionalizing coalescence or the conversion of linear or induced energy to compound rotational paths of motion that produce the observed force of gravity through the conversion of linear energy to mass. The displacement that occurs is the observation of a vacuum. The observation of a gravity wave is the on-line rotation folding down and increasing the confined energy through reduced area. This is to say that the amount of energy is increased in relation to the reduced area providing the observation of gravity increases as it approaches the core of the planet. This is one of the more prominent motions of the Dynamic Wave of Energy.
Magnetic Fields & Induced Charges; That the induced charges are in sync. This alignment of the regionalizing energy avoids conflicting motions as explained in Dynamics of Liquids and Electrolytic Solutions inthis work which supports and reinforces net fields and how they form. It is the net field that provides the magnetosphere around the earth.
Liquid & Tectonic; Formations & Motions
We have established that the energy from the sun and our motion around it combined with our motion through space produces the energy conflicts that are converted to rotational online motions. These then form our Gravity, which is our atmosphere through the density and the motions of the gravity waves that are formed by The Spectral twisting of many on-line rotations. Then we established that the way that the gravity waves fold down to the core of the earth produces the alignment of the online rotations so that there rotations or charges are in sync to produces the current flow of our magnetic field. Now, the work for the bored mathematicians of the world: to calculate the solar motion in the universe. This as a rough outline would go like this: The differences between the true north and the magnetic north are like the half portion of an opening end of a spectral twist and the energy source our sun that provided it. Now the spectral twist from the sun is only the portion of the Dynamic Wave of the Sun that we are caught up in. As the sun moves through its D.W.E. rotations, the linear expressions of the sun’s energy that we are caught in are forced to rotate .The rotations induce spin on the earth. It is the spectral twist structure that rocks the earth through its seasonal motions. The differences in the length of the ends of the spectral twist are due to its motion in the universe and as it rotates it forces the planet to rock. The other motions of the earth like orbital and rotation are supported in this same fashion
Terminating Theory: This is a function of the point at which Energy is created and at the same time comes in to contact with the Energy to area constant forcing the new energy to convert to the Dynamic Wave {Atomic Fractal}
Configuration Of The Planets
In the following Projections section that was in the first publication of the Dynamic Wave of Energy there is a comment on the evolution of solar systems as they relate to this theory.
- Orbital bodies such as moons are a function of the evolution of the universe. This is to say that if we watch Jupiter and its great storm, Jupiter will either ignite to become a sun or another moon will be ejected from it.
- Planets become stars, the moons become planets, and so the universe gives birth to itself.
The appearance of the detonation of suns is likely the acceleration and change of speed and position in relation to our plan of observation. The detonation that is observed is the shock wave from doing so. This not unlike the observation of the sonic boom but would be the equivalent of a large mass breaching the speed of light in relation to our plain or position in the Dynamic Wave Matrix.
Red Giantess
The observation of the process of stars going through the red giant phase would also be a separation of position and speed in relation to the other orbiting bodies and of course there is the calculable direct relation to the Energy to Area Constant. The observation of being red shifted is the first evidence as it suggests strain and the long path in the energy cycle. This is revealed in the work entitled ~ The Shedding of the Light ~
Planets & Orbits
The addition of more complex orbital paths that provide the compounding ability to cope with energy and motion as they become interchangeable becomes notable in the anomalous cyclical nature of relatively short term cycles in our solar system such as the observation of the seven year solar flare anomaly, as well the medium and long-term evidence of vast planetary changes such as the reversing of the magnetic fields. The physical devastation of long term events as in the forces that created and tamed our mountain regions as well, as the long term sickles of earthquakes and large volcanic eruptions.
Relative Plains of Observation
The introduction of compound rotations and orbits that translate to the equivalent provides more complexity to the levels of our known universe. But at the same time provides an intuitive coping mechanism theoretically and physically both in the coping with the anomalies that we witness and in providing for the unification of seemingly disconnected events. This function of the universe accounts and provides for the limiting of light observations to plains of observation. This process is explained throughout the Full Blown DYNAMIC WAVE OF ENERGY and as it reveals linear expressions of energy are in the form of the electromagnetic spectrum as they relate to our known observations. That reference to linear expressions of energy does mention this process but not so pointedly that is to say that linear expressions of energy are collected and interacted with by the regional coalescing portions of Dynamic Energy Systems. In their interactions the linear energy will be translated to portions of the electromagnetic spectrum that we recognize. The Process of converting linear expressions of energy to recognizable forms of the electromagnetic spectrum that are in turn converted biologically and mechanically to form our observations is called Rotational Orbital Equivalencies, or the electromagnetic spectrum.
Rotational Orbital Equivalencies
This function is similar to the processes of cancellation but is far more complex. In the plains of observation in the universe it is the portions of matter and positions and Dynamic Energy Matrixes have to be in compatible configurations to translate into receivable observations. The relevance of this principal has shaken me as I have now put to words my understanding of the shortcomings of the Doppler Effect as it is applied in the observations of stars through Red Shift. This is to say that the Principal of Rotational Orbital Equivalence both accounts for the effects of the Doppler but expands its potential exponentially while vindicating other important portions of the Dynamic Wave Matrix in regard to how portions relate to other portions biased on position and speed. The Dynamic Wave of Energy as a total would suggest that the universe both large and small is phenomenally larger without encompassing much more outside diameter. But through this portion of the Dynamic Wave of Energy the position of 98% more of our Universe near and far should soon be observed and verified. A classic thought experiment would be to remove the moon from the earth this in relation to the Energy to Area Constant would force the earth to compensate through the adopting of moor rotations and spin. The observation of the now observed universe from earth or earth orbit would dramatically be altered. As the Rotational Orbital Equivalency would change dramatically as it relates to the previous plain of observation. The formation in this context as it applies to triangulation based observations is now demonstrated in how probe launchings are held in a same Rotational Orbital Plain of Observation thus the function of time passing is introduced as the triangulation isolates the probe against the true motions. The probe would half-to traverse the distance between the two planets and at the same time mimic or convert from one rotational matrix to the other for the proper approach as it relates to life on a planet. This will prove to fined life on most if not all of the surrounding planets and prove to find many more near planets in and beyond our solar system
This process had to be expanded to clarify the process and to include the fate of stars and other large body systems. The complexity of time as it relates to the observation of light carrying information of distant and near events comes heavily in to play at this point. Admittedly, this portion of the work is fairly complex and I have great fears of failing to present it to you, as I have witnessed other works from so many talented people try and fail. It must be fairly obvious now to you that the previously gathered observations of the universe may well be completely out of focus and this would concur with the knowledge that all are light-gathered observations are distorted by time. But the distortions now run deeper than merely time. There is now the need to undo or at least translate the motions and complex rotations that Energy has endured before being partially converted to portions of our known electromagnetic spectrum by the time it has reached our plain and position of observation.
For me, the new configuration of the planets is the things that dreams and beyond are made of. This series of more orbital paths is completely intuitive and fits the model called the Bass Dynamic Wave of Energy to a tee. This new formation of planetary orbits opens up the possibilities of many more near planets and a new way to reexamine the known planets. The reexamining of the known planets has, in my mind, some of the most challenging and exciting work to ever be done in the structure of universe and the interactions of complex energy systems ever approached on earth.
In some of the conversations that I have had with people, the comment has been made that we would have witnessed these events as we have several probes and telescopes that are actively studying the solar system and universe. This does seem to fly in the face of what I’m saying for the laymen, but for the active participant, the multitude of anomalies as well as the immense amount of variables provides more than a margin of suspicion. As well, anyone who has tried to wrap there mind around Einstein’s interpretation of gravity or the universe realizes the paradoxes in the failings of the observer. There is this sense that people assume that the near planets are in our neighborhood, but the phenomenal distances that have to be traversed to reach one is ample opportunity to have made endless mistakes both in physically and light or E.M.S observations. And believe it or not the point of refrains for physically, traveling to a point in space is based on light observations. So if an observation is out of context from a great distance then if we triangulate on that miscalculated point in space to send a physical probe, the probe will be guided to its destination based on the triangulation in relation to that plain of observation. This phenomenon is widely accepted as it has related to light born observations. This is to say that distant stars will provide a view into the distant past as we believe that light takes a long time to traverse great distances. This premise in the triangulation holds the probe on that time line and say Mars would be achieved in six months that would be the speed of light in reverse in relation to the time to reach the observation. This process can be overcome merely by the way we traverse and begin to relate to the fabric of the Universe as the Dynamic Wave of Energy reveals more to me every time I take it up. So that would mean those desolate pictures of the moons and some of the nearby planets may be images of their distant past. Either way, the light bound observations have to be reconfigured in relation to the source, the observer, and the motions and disturbances taken in the path between that is time.
That the bell in a glass jar under vacuum does not provide the transmission of the sound to the glass container is more likely due to the glass container being unable to resonate due to the suppressing force of the vacuum. It most likely has nothing to do with the absence of a recognizable medium.
The creation of frequencies as a portion of the electro-magnetic spectrum as it relates to produces sound. The formations of these conflicts are explained in Atomic Weight.
The production of an audible frequency, as in the observation of light, there must be interaction for the observation to be produced in a range for the human ear to convert to brain waves. This also applies to the process of visible light.
In the conventional production of inducing frequency to a tout insulator,
The conflict that produces the frequency is produced by forcing a flexible coil through a previously- thought fixed magnet .The collisions and interactions produce an elector magnetic spectrum or linear expressions of unstable energy. These are then induced and tuned by the dimensions and material of the frequency conversion mechanism called the cone.
It would seem that resonance fibers will act like metallic conductors in capturing and transmitting induced energy while being subjected to or moved through a sound resonating environment. When you strike a quartz crystal there is a recordable electric discharge. Possibly, you could pass or place fiber-optic in an environment that would provide some predetermined event at the other end.
Resonance is produced by the separate portions of the fields or adapting on- line rotations. This is sound and how it is formed. {Line is in reference to arcing paths of motion that adapt rotation as a function of energy conservation or the D.W.E.}. This is in supporting internal structure and as the measure of interaction to surrounding environmental systems subject to the D.W.E. Base structure and the laws that form it. To increase regional total motion and produce yet another net rotation or net field bearer rotation as in the previous work on the D.W.E., the total area is isolated or increased or decrease through manipulation of compound rotational motion .
Thoughts on sound; If you have ever been in a boat and had a small collision, you should know the effect that I’m going to explain. I remember once when I was younger a friend and myself were swimming. We both submerged while facing each other. I, for some reason, started to shadow box with him and accidentally made contact. It seemed to me that I could not have hurt him as my hand and arm moved so slowly. But when we popped up to the surface he was crying. The point in both of these events is in the transition of energy in a medium and how it relates to sound and other forms of momentum.
Fixed Place in the Universe:
The Energy to Area Constant©
This reference is a good demonstration of how the dynamic structure functions. The diagram of induced charges or rotation was pinnacle in forming in my mind the on-line rotations. As portions of the system pass in relation to others, not unlike the diagram of the Helical twist, the fields that their paths and rotations produce come in contact with each other and produce net fields. These net fields create binding or strain in the region as in the load that is overcome to produce current in generators. This strain is either overcome (and the new energy that has been created is inducted into the system), or the amount of produced energy is too great for this region to absorb through regionalization.
Then one of two events will occur: the system will collapse and release a proportionate amount of energy (through a linear expression that will often demonstrate a disturbance in what was seemingly a stable system. The other event that is realized has been dubbed Regionalized coalescence or regionalization, is when the net energy being absorbed through the existing system accelerates its rotations to the point that it converts to a larger same structure or ultimately to the point of becoming a different product. This process of the entirety of the observed states and interactions between them is achieved through acceleration of any or all portions of the dynamic system. It is my postulation that compounding or new rotations are translated to density and atomic weight. The outward observation of this process is noted through expressions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
The amount of energy in any portion can only occupy an area if the true total motion in the universe is not breached. Regionalization means that the real total expansive or linear forward motion of all energy, The Energy to Area Constant, is never compromised because expansive and forward motions are converted to specific rotational and orbital motions. This principal holds true in energy interactions and exchanges. So the area in observation will compensate for disturbances by accelerating rotationally, thus, in turn causing the atomic structure to pull itself together as the inner rotations increase their intensity, through reducing their linear area. Exchanging area or equivalent area through compound rotational and orbital motions, this process balances and is the root cause for the expansion of the universe through converting new energy to more dense masses. This relationship allows the total motion of the universe to accelerate along its path. The clear reason for the strength of the Strong Atomic Force now comes together as it is the combined energy of the portions of the atom plus the area of the compound orbital motions convert to binding the core. This is to say that the total energy both from the orbital and their motion in relation to the Energy to Area Constant provide the extreme velocity at the core of the atom to provide the incredible strength.
The Hope in winning this Race we call life
is to rest here knowing that hands carved from granite above
reach out speaking of the passing of truth and knowledge
to those that will follow.
But for now my conscious is heavy cast
to anvils forged of Irony

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