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Energy to Area Constant:
The principle of more energy converted to rotational and orbital motions that exchange linear motion for compound rotational motion is the function of reducing expansive or linear surfaces. This equates to the limiting of induced energy through the reduction of immediate surfaces while still maintaining the equivalent amount of area through rotational and orbital motions to support the acquired energy. This process is done the most efficiently by the multiple motion energy conservation structure that is called the DYNAMIC WAVE OF ENERGY.
If a system is in a chaotic state and converts to a new element, hot fusion or converts by means of cold fusion through non-chaotic means, or collapses. Producing atomic detonation with the system being completely dissipated, to the total of the electromagnetic spectrum. The measurable in all of these events are what we call the observable and its intensity e.g. Heat could smooth rough gravity, light the entirety of the observable we witness the effects of change against the backdrop of the dynamic energy conservation system.
Thus the fabric of existence is driven by the compensation of perpetual motion in the universe under the unified law that a portion or the entirety cannot move forward without converting to rotational motion to store energy.
The process of induced energy, either through the interaction of free fall or flight, is similar to the observation of weight. That is to say that the amount of induced energy or momentum is related to the amount of surface area, rotations and motions of the surfaces collectively. Once again the clear vision of the atomic or Dynamic Waves of Energy and its paths of motion come in to play.
It is hard for me to relay this complex series of interactions to you, although I do see them, and have a definitive understanding of their relationship and position to each other. Given the support and access to colleagues I would produce a model through computer graphics based in math that would demonstrate the atomic through universal structures. The only manipulations of this future model would be in that the observer being capable of changing the observation position by manipulating his/her position relevant to the model, as well as increasing induced energy. The induction of energy would provide the observer with the stable position to relate to frequency as it truly forms our observations. The stable observation point would allow us to see the missing portions of our studies, while accounting for the distortions of conventional observations. I believe that it would help me and others learn and ultimately demonstrate the misunderstandings in the process of observing in a universe that has so few stationary observation point that consciousness can interact with.
In measuring the weight of an object that is at rest, the measurement is of the amount of resistance or the work required to transfer the forces of gravity or the motion in the universe to the resting place. The interactions in this process produces expressions of the electromagnetic spectrum. These expressions are the result of the conflict that the observed matter is undergoing due to its immediate environment and its motion in the universe. This process is discussed in the previous portions of my work and extends from on-line rotation, net fields, base D.W.E. structures throughout to the collective universal Dynamic Waves of Energy and how they are subject to the Energy to Area Constant.
So linking weight to the electromagnetic spectrum as the net conflict of transferring induced energy.
10/03/96 2:10:32 PM Robert Lloyd Morrison Judd
In all of this work, I have only revealed its infancy in this paper. But make no mistake, this outline does account for the difference between atomic weight and gravity based weight.
~ Dynamics of Liquids and Electrolytic SOLUTIONS ~
Faraday noted that diluted acids, bases and salts produce electrolytic properties. In my mind, the charge that is noted is the induced strain. The more dominant environment or dynamic system has to change to dissolve and suspend the induced or added product. The strength of achieved charge is in relation to the work that is required to provide energy conservation or stability in the region that will eventually be the net product of the interactions of both original products. The duration of the reaction must have to do with the length of time the conflict remains and the rate at which the conflict is reduced.
The variables in ratios of products and environmental states of pre-combined environments, are subject to, and determined by two or more dynamic energy systems’ ability to absorb, strain, and still maintain a stable system without chaotic impact. Liquids lend themselves to this as their net fields (or surface structures) can and do provide an absorption buffer that reduces chaotic strain, as in acceleration or deceleration. The fluidity of liquids allows for greater change. Even when confined, they still exhibit excellent conductive abilities. As they adopt internal rotations or currents, this transfers generated heat and pressure throughout and onto confining walls or contact points of foreign elements. This is the dynamic wave at its finest. The pressure in the liquid in an induced energy state can evenly and efficiently distribute the strain over a greater area. The observation of water or other liquids existing in two or three states simultaneously is accounted for in this fashion. The dynamic wave has regions and compression fronts. There are multiple regional events occurring simultaneously for the separate or differences in density through the interaction of current paths. The observation of crystals forming within a fluid, as well as reactions that produce gases will outline flow patterns. This is not to say that the formations will remain in their original position but will be transported to their resting or venting position. This observation is the same in the inability to have a rock fall to earth without rotation. The rotation is the coping method for the resistance of the medium it displaces.
This reduces the strain on separate portions, allowing them to remain within their stable limits longer. In a pressure or heat environment, it will manipulate currents based on the environments ability to absorb generated heat and to variations in pressure or heat induction due to the container. This dynamic fluidity is what helps provide consistent current flow in electrolytic environments. More rigged products that do not conduct in a fluid fashion but through resonance can be tuned or exhibit magnetic or electric static fields due to sympathetic net field’s resonance.
These resonating net fields can attract, oppose or merge as a total resonance field as in magnetic, but because of the rigidity the originating masses or dynamic structures, they maintain separation as in crystalline structures. The apparent bonding of the total may be as strong as diamond or may appear to weaken gradually, as in magnetic or the earth's gravity. The weakening is likely due to total confined energy and cancellation of stable and conflicting net fields. All elements, in portion and in whole, add to the total net fields, through to the universal net fields, and every change manipulates the net-field, primarily regionally, and is subject to the responses from the collective net fields. Thus every action has a reaction and it is not necessarily an equal one. The reaction is in response to the need for conforming to the energy to area in motion constant (This work is in the fixed place in the universe and is formulated in relation to the Dynamic wave of Energy as a structure. It outlines the barriers of linear motion as it relates to amounts of energy and how it is bound to maintain total motion to area as a constant. This is based on the fixed place in the universe and the Dynamic wave of Energy formula and construct as well as the outlined laws that energy and energy environments must conform to). Large events can and do occur from seemingly small events.
These functions of liquid states are the driving factor in why so many products adopt it. In an induced energy conflict, it is the fastest and most efficient method to deal with energy conversion; although resonating most likely supersedes as a measure of conflicting systems and continues as a base observation to the observation and state of regionalized systems. Resonance is formed by the cyclical nature of portions of the dynamic system in motion and rarely provides true insight to the formation in its entirety. Without the support of multiple historical observations and conclusions to draw new expanded views of events of both the future and the past an individual observation will only mislead the search for the full and entire true nature of the universe. The fact that you, the observer, are trying to observe and solve something that you are part and parcel of compounds the puzzle. The multiple motions at the speeds of light, leaves only the mind to postulate and the senses to confirm in part, then in full, the true nature of the place we live in.
Resonance is produced by the separate portions of the fields or adapting on-line rotations this is how sound is formed. {Line is in refrains to arcing paths of motion that adapt rotation as a function of energy conservation or the D.W.E.}. This is in supporting internal structure and as the measure of interaction to surrounding environmental systems subject to the D.W.E. Base structure and the laws that form it. To increase regional total motion and produce yet another net rotation or net field bearer rotation as in the previous work on the D.W.E., the total area is isolated or increased or decreased through manipulation of compound rotational motion.
The outer net field is a reflection of the inner systems and will exhibit the collective strengths and weaknesses as well as the uniqueness of being not of the internal systems, but a unique system that defines and encompasses the total region. This defining total net system is in a constant state of flux that is driven by external events and reinforced by internal structure under normal circumstances. In many cases, interactions between systems simply cancel their ability to be self -supporting.
When systems converge through means that do not provide enough time or the ability to approach in a less destructive manner (this is to say the net fields could have meshed through other means), fracturing will occur and dissipate the net binding and supportive fields. This collision will result in fragmentation (E = M c * c). The net field is a function of the atomic or base energy configurations and in fracturing is dispersed and reasserted to the individual fragments.
The linear energy observations of the electromagnetic spectrum in all of these continuous events are the disturbance of dynamic systems in conflict driven by the perpetual motion of the universe and conscious intervention.
The electromagnetic spectrum, viewed in this fashion, is a mere glimmer of events that are more enduring and more complex. This provides context to how limited our view of reality has been in the whole picture. This more encompassing perspective, in regard to the challenges we have and must face, provides a safer and saner place to return to and work from, in a seemingly chaotic, exponentially larger and diversifying universe that we live in and explore.
2:21 PM 8/28/96
We teeter on the edge of the eternal future while spiraling endlessly into the past.
Robert Lloyd Morrison Judd
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